• Do you beat yourself up anytime you aren't 'PERFECT'?
  • Do you give empathy to others BUT NOT YOURSELF?
  • Would you love to replace GUILT and SHAME with SELF-COMPASSION?
  • Do you long to be HEARD and understood?
  • Is your INNER DIALOGUE about yourself harsh and judgmental?
  • Do you HONOUR your needs for rest and support and nourishment?
  • Do you SAY YES to things that you don't really want to do?
  • Would you love to BE WITH YOUR FEELINGS with gentleness and compassion?
  • Do you want to be able to HOLD yourself with LOVE when things are hard?
  • Do you want an effective and compassionate process to HEAL from PAST HURTS?
  • Would you love to have tangible tools to LOVE YOURSELF like you want to be loved?
  • Do you want to LOVE YOURSELF in really tangible ways?
  • Do you want to be compassionate with YOURSELF?
  • Would you love to know EXACTLY HOW to get free from guilt and shame?
  • Would you love to be HEARD and UNDERSTOOD, from within?
  • Would you love to STOP those inner judgments?
  • Do you want to feel SUPPORTED and PROTECTED, from within?
  • Do you want ENCOURAGEMENT and CELEBRATION, from within?
  • Do you want to VALUE yourself?
  • Would you love to HEAL from old hurts as they come up?
  • Would you like to develop your ability to say NO when you feel no?
  • Would you like to INCREASE your capacity to be with all of your feelings?
  • Do you want to be able to say NO to harsh inner judgments?
  • Would you love to listen to your inner children in ways that bring profound HEALING?
  • Would you love a deep sense of inner PRESENCE that is always accessible to you?
  • Would you enjoy being able to access to loving compassion from within you?
  • Do you want to be willing to receive more love from others?
  • Do you want to be able to connect with loving presence for your sensations, feelings, and emotional and physical pain?

Each of us has the power within to:

Love ourselves unconditionally;

Gradually get free from new guilt and shame;

Encourage and support ourselves to do things we love;

Heal from past hurts where our feelings and words weren't heard;

Take tangible actions in the world that are self-loving;

Stop harmful habits in loving ways;

Feel a deep sense of inner, calm and compassionate inner presence;

Internally feel a profound sense of loving listening for our sensations and feelings;

Listen to, and reparent, our inner children.

"Changing my inner dialogue with your help, Marion, is some of THE most life changing work I've ever done.

This is one of the most helpful courses I've ever taken … And I'll add, when I first started it, I had NO CLUE and only a thread of hope that my inner dialogue could change so much.

But Marion makes it all so easy and accessible through the materials available. And I love the different formats it's all available in. I'm more of a reader of the written word, so I could read the info, whereas others could choose to watch a video of Marion talking or listen to an audio.

These days, I'm starting every day with at least a little word of acknowledgement or encouragement from my 'Inner Loving Mother' (who, unsurprisingly, sounds a lot like Marion) and it sets a really positive tone for my day."                          Wendy

"I just wanted you to know that I love what you do and give to me and the world.... You have changed my life.

I have spent many years of my life thinking I need fixing. I have been to counselling, naturopaths, homeopaths, massage therapists... and interestingly, all women therapists....

I think I have been searching for someone to take care of me, like a Mother...

And now I know I can find her inside of me... my Inner Loving Mother. Just like Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion... everything I've been searching for, has been mine all along....

Big love to you, dear Marion..”                   Pip

"I love this process so much.

It is the best money I have ever spent on a course or healing modality.

I am a Naturopath, Bowen Therapist & vibrational medicine specialist...

I really feel like this inner work is leading me to the missing piece of the puzzle.

The healing is so complete.

It's not easy, but it's beautiful. Thank you Marion.”                   Erin

"What I feel like I've discovered is that I will always be supported, I will always have an inner strength to call on. I will always have someone (if not many people) on my side. To me, this is profound.

I feel equipped, like I have a secret internal toolbox just for me. This feels special and unique and makes me feel strong and capable.

What I hope is that now that I have connected, I will remain connected with my Inner Loving Crew and we will continue to consciously walk through life together.

My eternal gratitude to you Marion,  for sharing such wisdom, love and light and enabling us to feel such compassion for ourselves, so that we can also feel such compassion for others and towards the world. Much love to you xxx"


"This week, I've had this realization that I actually love myself.

It sounds kooky.... But I was sobbing and sobbing, feeling fear and all that came to me from my Inner Loving Mother was deep love and compassion.

And I remembered a time when I'd beat myself up over any time I wasn't "perfect." I'd say awful hateful degrading things to myself in my head. Things I'd never say to another person.

And I realized, "gosh! This love and compassion, now, my Inner Loving Mother, is coming from ME!”

All I've been able to do this session is check in with my Inner Loving Mother and somehow it happened that I just learned how to love myself.

Thank you so so much. My life (most especially, my inner life) wouldn't be the same today if I hadn't found your course.

And, as we all know, the inner impacts the outer to an immeasurable degree.”           Sasha

"I'm just loving the sweeping transformation that's taking place in me and my view of myself, of others, and how the world impacts me.

For years I've felt crippled by the overwhelm of my own sensitivities.

The Inner Loving Presences and ILPP supports me to feel my sensitivities and keep on going, find my wings. That's the big overview.

For specifics, instead of collapsing when tech or any other issues arise I can process & embrace my collapsed self with Inner Loving Presences and support myself to keep going.

I'm always amazed how simple taking the next step is (like contacting Host tech support) AFTER a process and how impossible the next step appears before a process.

Also all my life I've been sensitive to viruses and fatigue, I've done so so so much inner and outer work round this but besides picking up coffee 10 years ago (truly!), nothing much has helped. The Inner Loving Presence Process and The Willingness Practice bring a whole new dimension to this, like a key going into a lock. Click - the doors opened.

I've always looked at pycho/spitual/physical but Marion your processes seem to get to the bottom of it. And when I get ill now I feel so ok about it. I can welcome it, invite it to inform me, listen, support, undergo and appreciate the process.

This stuff is a missing link for me.

Life looks different from here. Less confusing.

You know what I think the metaphor here might be. I could never quite put my hand on the rudder, life's waves would knock me off course, but your processes Marion allow me to guide my own hand back to the rudder."    Shana

"Genius. Love. It.

Sure the LoA and LoV work - but you can’t fake that day in and day out with life continually inviting you to process and release your underlying, sabotaging emotions that just want to be heard and healed but are stuck in time with the younger you.

I am curious if the ILPP is the greatest parenting tool I have ever explored and in directly applied because when I heal those past hurts it gives me practice and kicks in when I need to give that kind of empathy to my own little children in their moments of hurt and fear.”                  Kylie P

"The ILPP powerfully guides us in firmly establishing a new inner dialogue that is loving and respectful, which in turn naturally and effortlessly shifts the way we outwardly communicate and interact with our loved ones.”           Dev

"I have found Marion's ILPP to be so helpful for healing my inner wounded child and to create new loving inner dialogues...this has been so helpful in many ways.

One significant way is learning how to offer myself love and empathy when I'm really struggling with my kids/family, and helped me break my cycle of guilt and negative self talk." 


"Dear Marion, just wanted to say BIG THANK YOU for putting this course together...

I am working on the Inner Loving Mother part right now, and wow what a difference I see in myself in just 2 weeks...

I have a lot more compassion for other people!!

And for myself, too.

Thank you so much! This is empowering and inspiring.”           Edita

“I met my inner loving mother yesterday for the first time.

She was there waiting for me, she hold me and said:' I'm here with you. I love you. I am listening. you are beautiful and special. you can do or be anything you desire. I believe in you!'

She said that anytime I need her she is with me and I feel it on my back as she puts her hand there.

'I walk with you in this.’ After meeting her I felt a breeze and saw the air vibrating in front of me.

I knew she was there. I felt loved and cherished. I have missed her for so long and now she is here.

Thank you. I know I'm not alone.”  Liisa-Maria

"Wow. Just wow. I am at a loss for words that can accurately express just how profoundly moved and relieved I feel reading your comments here (in the FB group).

The outpouring of empathy, love, compassion, support, acceptance, resonance and invitations for connection is like nothing I've ever known."                              Sami

"I wanted to say I LOVE the way you facilitate these groups and FB lives!"                             Rhiannon

"The Inner Loving Presence Process has helped me realise on a deep level how incredibly healing empathy and unconditional love is. The more empathy we receive, the more we are free to truly be ourselves and to let the magic of life unfold.”


  • 37 pre-recorded modules of 2-14 minutes each, in audio, video and written versions
  • 37 one-hour video trainings that were recorded live - with notes -so you can dive in deep
  • Audios of words that your Inner Loving Presences might say so you can connect with them
  • Audio meditations so that you can form relationships with your Inner Loving Presences
  • Audios of others going through the Inner Loving Presence Process
  • Memes with words from your Inner Loving Presences, so you can be reminded of them
  • Audios of others' experiences of the ILPP so you can be inspired
  • FB group so you can receive compassion from the outside (your Outer Loving Crew!)
  • During live rounds ~ FB live trainings to deepen and share your learning
  • Brief emails every two days to inspire and encourage you to keep going with the course!
  • q-iconWhat do I need to do the course?

    An Internet connection and a willingness to learn and heal and grow!

  • q-iconHow will I access the course?

    You’ll get the links to the course site and each new part of the course in your email box.

  • q-iconDo I need to do it in a certain time frame?

    No. You have “life-time” access to the course, which means that you can choose to do the course as each new email comes, or you can take as long as you want!

  • q-iconCan I do any of it offline?

    You can download the audios and the written material to access offline, but not the videos.

  • q-iconHow long will it be available for?

    It’s an “evergreen” course, which means that you can start it at any time!

  • q-iconWhat happens when I click the "buy" button?

    You’ll be sent an email and also sent to the course. Remember to check your email account – the email will come from lovingbeing@iinet.net.au. If you don’t seem to see it, look in your promotions folder if you are with gmail, or your spam folder if you are with other providers.

  • q-iconDo I need to have done other courses of yours in order to do this one?

    No! However, if you’ve done my other courses or worked with me, this way of connecting and healing will probably be familiar with you!

  • q-iconDo I need to be a mother to do this?

    No! It’s suitable for everyone! However, if you are a mother, you can use your experiences to help you connect with your Inner Loving Mother, AND your relationship with your Inner Loving Mother and your Inner Loving Father will probably really help your parenting!

  • q-iconAre there any counterindications to doing this?

    This probably isn’t a course to take if you are in the middle of huge personal crisis or big emotional upheaval. Connecting with the Inner Loving Crew and doing the Inner Loving Presence Process can help us connect with feelings from when we were younger. Stirring up old material isn’t recommended if you are already swamped in big feelings. All the usual precautions apply around self-responsibility. Remember that it is your responsibility to listen to yourself and seek professional help if needed. This course doesn’t replace professional emotional support nor does it promise anything. You will get out of it what you put into it.

"I cannot recommend this course more highly."                              Megan

The next live round starts on the 10th of Feb 2022.


"And it never gets old! Those inner relationships just keep getting better and more potent and more juicy by the day. I cannot speak highly enough of this offering by Marion...life changing, life enhancing, life healing. I’m so grateful for you and your work.”                         Jennifer

"I feel so grateful to have found this course. It has enabled me to tap into love and healing that I previously would have sought externally. This is a practice and like every practice it takes time to learn and implement, but Marion’s course has given me the tools to access this inner support. The group dynamic was also so welcoming, supportive and safe. Thank you, Marion, and all the brave souls here on this journey."


"This quote comes to mind when I think of Marion’s ILPP course “may all that has been reduced to noise in you become music again”.

This course amongst others of Marion’s has help me find my way back to myself, and my music - by learning to give myself what I yearned for as a child.

To change my internal voice from one of harshness and cruelty to one of love, compassion and empathy.

I have watched as I develop my internal voice of compassion the outer world has begun to reflect my internal changes and I receive more now of what I so longer for previously.

I found it profoundly useful being able to express my hurt, anger and disappointment from when I was a child and then to have those feelings heard by my Inner Loving Crew with compassion. Thank you dear Marion for all that you have given me and others. xoxo"

"Before I started Marion's courses I hadn't even realised that what was missing in me was kind inner talk.

Having been through a couple of Live Rounds now, I am amazed that we can even walk and talk without this. Thank you Marion.

How wonderful that we can learn to be kind to ourselves the way we are raising children to stay kind to themselves.

It seems so much more authentic when we can actually have a sense of what that feels like on the inside.”


"I woke up in the dead of last night and had a thought, ‘you haven’t got your life together because you’re a loser’. For sometime I had a party with this thought (which I believed as fact) and created an enormous story and huge upsetness.

My inner beloved then came along and said, ‘Really?!!!’, ‘Come on you, I’ve got you’

And the loser part, me, and my inner beloved melted into a deep relaxed sleep, slightly bemused by the storm in the tea cup my brain created so fast.

The ILPP course is such an enjoyable game changer. I’ve never found a method more helpful in transforming my internal landscape. This course is the one.”


"The greatest loss,

that of oneself,

may pass


~ Soren Kierkegaard